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Hell Is For Children?

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"Love and pain become one and the same
In the eyes of a wounded child"

These lyrics are from the Pat Benatar song, "Hell is for Children" co-written with her husband Neil Gerado and Roger Capps.

This morning as Drew and I were watching the news we saw a report of a child being abused by their father. I read a story of a Mother that ran away from an abusive husband with her kids and attempted to kill them by driving her car in to the ocean to send them to a better place!! And here in Raleigh, a trial is in process for the 4 year old girl that was tortured to death by her mother's boyfriend.

I never had the desire to have children. Coming out in the 80's I never thought it was an option for gay parents, anyway. That is no longer true. We all have options to become a parent. However, same-sex parents have many challenges and obstacles they must overcome to begin their families.

Drew and I have several friends that chose to start families. Each one of these couples had to do more than a roll in the hay to begin their families. They invested money, sweat and tears to make their dream of parenthood a reality. Each time you see them with their families you see the love and appreciation they feel. Those children are in a family that had to go the extra mile to make it a reality!

You constantly hear news about politicians and government leaders trying to limit same-sex parenting rights to "protect the children". Who is protecting the little girl from being tortured by her mother's boyfriend? Who is protecting the children from their mother who wants to drive them into the ocean? Who is protecting the child being beat by their father? If you want to protect the children, make it easier to put the unwanted children with loving families that want them!

"And you shouldn't have to pay for your love
With your bones and your flesh"

  • pat benatar
  • child abuse
  • same-sex parenting
  • same-sex adoption
  • gay
  • lesbian
  • parents
  • abuse
  • love
  • protect the children
  • family

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